COVID-19 Secure Operating Policy

It’s back to business as usual here at Landlord Broadband, and in line with government regulations, we can now send engineers to your properties to complete Wi-Fi installations with our COVID-19 secure operating policy. The policy to allows Landlord Broadband and Openreach engineers to complete Wi-Fi installations while ensuring the safety of all parties.

Landlord Broadband Engineers

In adherence to social distancing regulations, our engineers will ensure to do the following when entering a property:

  • Wash their hands when arriving at the property/site and after completing their work. This may involve the use of hand sanitiser.
  • Sanitise areas that they have worked in and points of contact like door handles.
  • Wear a mask if they feel it is necessary- this will be based on the site and workspace.
  • Stay 2 meters apart from other contractors and anyone else at the property/site.

Our engineers reserve the right not to enter a property if they feel it is unsafe. If the engineer makes this decision, or we are advised of any of the following points, we will postpone the Wi-Fi installation until a later date. This may happen if:

  • There are any tenants self-isolating.
  • Any tenants/representatives have any flu-like symptoms.
  • The engineer feels that it is unsafe to carry out any work.

Openreach Engineers

Openreach engineers are now only visiting customer properties if they cannot install the service remotely. The engineers will always try and activate the service from outside of the property and if they can, they will not enter the premises. However, there may be instances where they need to enter the premises for a short amount of time. If this is the case, we ask that you take the following simple steps to prepare for the engineers’ visit:

  • Clear a path to the master socket if you have one.
  • Wipe down any surfaces around the master socket our engineers may come into contact with.
  • Open any windows or doors if possible where the Openreach engineer will likely have to work.

If Openreach engineers do have to visit your property, they advise that the following steps are taken:

  • On the day of the visit, the Openreach engineer will contact you asking some screening questions which will allow them to identify if any circumstances have changed.
  • If an engineer does need to enter your home, please be aware that they may put on a mask and/or gloves.
  • Please keep 2 meters social distancing from the engineer and if possible, move to a different room.
  • Once the engineer has finished working, they will wipe down any surface they have touched before leaving.

Above all, the safety of our engineers, our customers and their tenants is paramount to us, so we ask customers to be understanding if any of the planned Wi-Fi installations are deemed to be unsafe to carry out. We are doing all we can to adapt to the ‘new normal’ while staying safe and healthy. Therefore, if you have a planned visit from our engineers, we ask that you let us know immediately if anybody in the property is self-isolating, or has flu-like symptoms.

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Landlord Broadband!

Telephone: 0333 577 0600
