The Problem: Providing ample Wi-Fi coverage for 69 tenants

This 64 Extra Care flat development was by Progressive Landlord, ForHousing and this particular scheme was for 64 extra care flats spanning over three floors with a total of 69 tenant end users & additional staff and management users. Providing sufficient Wi-Fi coverage was of the upmost importance in the design and installation process.

A bespoke Wi-Fi design and installation was required.

What was required for the property?

  • A reliable Wi-Fi signal to all communal areas, not exceeding -75 dBm
  • Strong Wi-Fi to staff offices and meeting rooms not exceeding -67 dBm
  • Sufficient wireless capacity to enable tenants to utilise low demand applications in communal areas
  • Sufficient wireless capacity for the onsite staff to work online and video call • The ability for the tenants to roam between communal areas and stay connected to the Wi-Fi
  • A radius server with all tenants having their own secure login via a portal
  • Additional portal login for staff members and the management team

Our broadband solution for affordable rent accommodation

Optimal Wi-Fi designs were created for the property using revolutionary software

  • The first step was a site survey: where we liaised with the client & the contractors to go through and assess the existing data cabling on site.
  • This was followed by Wi-Fi design which involved: uploading the floor plans onto our design software, scaling the plans and drawing the building. We inputted all attenuation areas such as walls, doors, electrical appliances and furniture etc. Then we created Wi-Fi coverage heat maps for the communal and staff areas. A channel and power plan for 2.4 & 5Hz to avoid CCI was also created alongside a capacity plan to ensure the wireless capacity is sufficient for all tenants to connect concurrently.
  • The next step was the bespoke Wi-Fi installation: All data cabling was in place and ready for us to install our access points and set up the network room.
  • We returned at the second fix stage to: install and commission the fibre broadband service and install a firewall, POE switch and controller into the network cabinet. We terminated and tested the network cabling to be used for the Wi-Fi access points. The Wi-Fi access points were then mounted into the ceiling voids and the Wi-Fi network was configured. Final testing was completed in all areas before we provided log on details for the tenants.

The result

All 69 tenants were provided with a reliable Wi-Fi connection in the communal areas of the building. Wi-Fi was also provided for the staff and management team, and all users were provided an individual, secure log in. This affordable rent accommodation now has a fully managed and supported communal Wi-Fi system for their tenants and staff.

Get your free assessment today to transform your property.

Download you pdf copy of our 64 Extra Care Flats case study here.